
Digital and Data Transformation consulting, data science maturity assessments, strategic planning and architecture services.

Digital and Data Transformation

Digital Transformation has been driving changes in many businesses over the last decade. This has mostly focused on enablement technologies and mobilisation. A more recent focus area has been data and led to the creation of the term Big Data. Unfortunately for many companies this has meant the setup of a Data Warehouse where the data is stored, with little or no use.

We focus on Data Transformation alongside Digital Transformation to ensure that we can advise our clients how to best get return on their investments in digitisation as well as data usage and analysis that deliver enough insights to inform important business decisions.

More recently the focus has shifted again. We now have to consider two additional Transformational elements that require attention. This time however, it is not because we choose to transform, but because of external factors forcing us. We are talking about Privacy Transformation and Security Transformation. We bring these requirements into our process to provide complete and future proof recommendations.

Data Science Maturity Assessments

Everyone is making investments into data and analytics. Nobody is making the same progress or focussing in the same exact areas. We have developed specific Maturity Assessments to help our clients understand if they have missed any crucial steps, and more importantly, what the best next steps are. Our assessments are part of the Data Science Framework that we use to anchor our entire approach.

If your business is finding it difficult to figure out what to do next, let's discuss options to determine where you are and what to do next.

Strategic Planning

Getting started with data and analytics from scratch, or contemplating a new analytics project, requires a careful approach. Many companies get so stuck in the technology challenge of dealing with big data and the confusing selection of Machine Learning and Deep Learning frameworks, that they forget the business problem they want to solve. We help teams and leaders to ask the right business questions. We then translate these questions into problems that data and analysis can solve.

We offer services to engage with both the business and technical teams to ensure that everyone is focused on the same strategy and objective. A better understanding of the strategy defines a clear future objective. When all teams understand the gap between the as-is and the to-be, we help create a plan to bridge the gap.


When determining what big data, analytical tools and services to use, it is difficult to select the individual components. This problem is much worse when considering if and how the components fit together - especially when taking the business, privacy and security requirements into account. We have certainly not used all components that are available, but we can assist architecture teams to select components we know from experience work well together.