Welcome to Polidata.ai
Poli in Latin means 'many'. Poli data refers to the 'many' sources of data that most organisations have
been collecting over years. It has even been given the name Big Data due to the challenges posed
by just dealing with the volume.
In many cases there are crucial business questions that the data can help answer, but the answers remain
elusive because of the skills required to find the signals in the noise. Polidata can help you
ask the right business questions, find the right AI tools for analysis and ultimately uncover
the insightful answers.
Determine your current maturity level by talking to us about assessments. We use the results to then plan and develop a course towards your own insights.
We run analysis projects to build the data models, select Machine Learning algorithms and match results with effective visualisations.
Data Science
Both our consulting and analysis work is all done using our Data Science Framework. This provides a structured approach to deliver repeatable results.
Case Studies
We have been involved in work for companies in various industries. The case studies mentioned below will show the type of work that we do to achieve insights to make important business decisions.

In order to optimise premium collection we have built and implemented analysis tools that find the best possible date for collection and select the best payment method.
These propensity-to-pay models allowed us to recommend pro-active engagement workflows using call centres and chat bots.

A consultation and planning project for an airport resulted in a complete data and analysis road-map, data domain definition and quick wins summary.
One of the quick wins in particular resulted in the avoidance of expensive hardware upgrades by using the Wi-Fi system to monitor passenger flow and optimise choke points.

Customer Engagement
We have done work to analyse response and usage patterns from end customers when brand communications are conducted.
With specific analytical models, calculated customer engagement scores were built that could finally determine the best next steps to improve engagement and communication to customers.

Investment Banking
Portfolio analysis and trade strategy evaluations resulted in optimised trade activities for our clients.
We have also invested in development of applications that can source market data, trades and portfolio positions to simplify model building via developed Excel Add-In. The applications also make use of micro-service architecture components in the cloud doing the heavy lifting.

Media & Advertising
Agencies that collect customer response data and build loyalty systems provide rich data sources.
We have developed models to calculate customer propensity models for various scenarios, such as retention, conversion and payment.

Cyber Security
The requirement for business to transform their Security and Privacy governance and systems has never been greater. This has become very clear considering privacy legislation (GDPR of late) and the legal consequences of being breached.
We have worked within the Cyber Security industry to develop ways to detect Indication of Attach (IOA) and Indication of Compromise (IOC) indicators using various internal and external data sources.